SoCal: Hemet Students Donate 47 Ponytails in Spa Pechanga’s Mane Campaign for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

The Hair is Donated to “Hair We Share”, an Organization that Makes & Distributes Wigs to Those in Need

On a sunny school day in Hemet, Calif., 19 Little Lake Elementary School students learned the power of compassion and kindness.

Together with their fellow classmates, teachers, parents, and school administration, each chopped off at least eight inches of their hair. The 80 feet of cut hair is the equivalent to the height of four giraffes! In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Spa Pechanga’s Mane Campaign brought the free haircuts to help them help the cause.

I have breast cancer,” said Barbara Caudile, Hemet School District Administration. I was diagnosed in 2008 and went through a lot – the chemo, the radiation. You don’t know the happiness it brings to other people who have lost their hair. It makes a big difference to them when they don’t feel like an equal to everyone else because they don’t look the same.”

After the hair is cut, Spa Pechanga sends ponytails to the Hair We Share organization. Hair We Share is a non-profit program that makes wigs out of the donated hair, then distributes them free of charge to cancer patients and to others with a medical hair loss condition.

As it takes 6-9 ponytails to make a real-hair wig, the school’s haircuts collected enough hair donations to amount to a minimum of five wigs, making five breast cancer patients feel like themselves again.

I’m proud that my daughter took it upon herself to make the decision to donate her hair to a good cause. For us, it’s especially a good cause because my mom passed away from cancer,” said Sandra Hernandez, mom of 10-year-old hair donor.

In addition to offering cuts to the kids at school, Spa Pechanga continues the 7th Annual Mane Campaign at the resort. Those wishing to donate eight or more inches of hair receive a free haircut and style at Spa Pechanga throughout the entire month of October. The free haircuts and styles are provided Monday through Thursday by appointment through October 31. To donate hair, call (951) 770-8501.

Other Mane Campaign initiatives are happening now until October 31, including:

Hairathon. On October 24 from 9-11 a.m. a morning of fun, back-to-back haircuts will happen on the Event Lawn. No appointment necessary.
Pink hair extensions. With each extension purchased and applied at Spa Pechanga a portion will be donated to Hair We Share.

Spa Pechanga will extend a 10% off discount to guests who wear pink on their Friday service in October.

In its seventh year, more than 500 ponytails have been collected to date. Last year alone, 224 feet of hair was collected making it the most successful year to date. That length is 10 times taller than a giraffe.

Men, women and children who donate must be able to cut at least eight or more inches of hair. Gray hair and naturally colored hair is welcome. Bleached hair cannot be accepted.

For more information, visit

Press Release Provided by the Pechanga Resort & Casino
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