Veterans Day 2019: Volunteers Needed to Place Flags on Veterans Graves at Riverside National Cemetery

Over 200,00 Tiny Flags will be Placed on Grave sites in Observance of Veterans Day

In observance of Veterans Day, thousands of tiny American flags will be placed on every Veterans grave on Saturday, November 9th .

With over 200,000 graves to cover, the organizers of the “Flag for Every Hero” program is looking for a little help. The 900-acre Riverside National Cemetery is the fourth-largest property in the country.

Volunteers are asked to show up Saturday, November 9th at 8 am to start putting the flags on plots in the cemetery. This year’s “Flag Walk” is estimated to last a few hours. All ages are welcome to join in. All the flags will be provided by the “Flag for Every Hero” organization.

Flags will be brought out to various areas throughout the cemetery to insure there are enough to cover all sections. More than enough flags are available to fill the ceremony and they will be doing their best to re-distribute them to different sections as necessary.

There is also a need for volunteers on Tuesday, November 12th beginning at 8:00 am to retrieve the flags and put them away in storage.

There is no need to sign up for this event in advance. Spread the word and just come out to show your support and remember our veterans who are interred at Riverside National Cemetery.

For more information contact or call (714) 325-8301

Photos by Cathryn McKee
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